As Bibliographer
I spent two years (2012 – 2014), as a consultant, appraiser, and bibliographer for the University of British Columbia, first in the Asian Library and then in Rare Books & Special Collections (RBSC). One outcome of that bibliographic work was the publication in 2013 of a descriptive annotated bibliography on traditional Chinese medicine based on the collection of rare medical books in the UBC Asian Library.
Related publications
2014. “China’s Bibliographic Tradition and the History of the Book.” Book History 17:1-50.
2013. Buliedian Gelunbiya Daxue Yazhou Tushuguan cang zhongyi guji xuanmu chubian [A Draft of the Annotated Bibliography of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Collected in the Asian Library of the University of British Columbia]. Vancouver: Asian Library of UBC.