As Translator
My earlier training in China gave me fluency in literary Chinese and a strong knowledge of traditional and modern bibliographic practices and tools, as well as the then-emerging tools available for digital scholarship. Those linguistic skills and bibliographic tools enable me to efficiently and effectively translate documents from literary / modern Chinese into English, from English into modern Chinese (and literary Chinese, if necessary).
Selected translations
From Classical Chinese to English
Submitted. “Storage of Books and Registers” (tuji zhi chu 圖籍之儲), from Qiu Jun, The Supplement to the Explication of the Great Learning (Daxue yanyi bu), juan 94, in Ming Statecraft: Chinese Agendas of Political Economy, 2 vols., eds. Timothy Brook, Kent Guy, and Lianbin Dai. Leiden: Brill.
From English to Chinese, including those I approved and co-translated
- 2008. Brook, Timothy, and Andre Schmid, eds. Nation Work: Asian Elites and National Identities. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 2000. Chinese translation, Changchun: Jilin chuban jituan.
- 2007. Brook, Timothy, ed. Documents on the Rape of Nanking. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1999. Chinese translation, Taibei: Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan.
- 2005. King, Perter J. One Hundred Philosophers: A Guide to the World’s Greatest Thinkers. Hove: Apple, 2004. Chinese translation, Hong Kong: Joint Publishing; Beijing: Sanlian shudian, 2007.
- 2005. Swatek, Catherine (Shi Kaiti). “Tiao deng xian kan Feng Xiaoqing.” In Tang Xianzu yu Mudanting [Tang Xianzu and the Peony Pavilion], pp. 537-589, ed. Hua Wei. Taibei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiusuo.
- 2003. Turnbull, Neil. Get A Grip on Philosophy. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999. Chinese translation, Hong Kong, Joint Publishing, 2002; Beijing: Sanlian shudian.
- 2001. McMahon, Keith. Misers, Shrews, and Polygamists: Sexuality and Male-Female Relations in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1995. Chinese translation, Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe.