2017. Cong shuji shi dao yuedu shi: yuedu shi yanjiu lilun yu fangfa 从书籍史到阅读史:阅读史研究理论与方法 [From history of the book to history of reading: theories and methods for historical studies of reading]. Beijing: Xinxing chubanshe.

2013. Buliedian Gelunbiya Daxue Yazhou Tushuguan cang zhongyi guji xuanmu chubian 不列顛哥倫比亞大學亞洲圖書館藏中醫古籍選目初編 [A Draft of the Annotated Bibliography of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Collected in the Asian Library of the University of British Columbia]. Vancouver: Asian Library of UBC. (Available online < >)

Books Chapters
2016. “From Philology to Philosophy: Zhu Xi (1130 – 1200) as a Reader-Annotator.” In Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices: A Global Comparative Approach , 136-63, eds. Anthony Grafton and Glenn W. Most. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2015. “Household Publications in the Society of Ming Hangzhou.” In Imprimer sans profit? Le livre non commercial dans la chine impériale, 339-414, eds. Michela Bussotti and Jean Pierre Drège. Genève: Librairie Droz.

Journal Articles
2021. “明代家刻与士绅社会-下.” 印刷文化 Summer:90-111..
2021. “明代家刻与士绅社会-上.” 印刷文化 Spring:68-92..
2014. “China’s Bibliographic Tradition and the History of the Book.” Book History 17:1-50..
2008. “The Economics of the Jiaxing Edition of the Buddhist Tripitaka.” T’oung Pao 94.4-5:306-59.
Book Reviews
2016. Review of Writing, Publishing, and Reading Local Gazetteers in Imperial China , 1100-1700 by Joseph Dennis (Cambridge, MA: The Harvard University Asia Center, distributed by Harvard University Press, 2015). Ming Studies (Fall) 74:72-86.
2014. Review of The History of the Book in East Asia , edited by Cynthia Brokaw and Peter Kornicki (The History of the Book in the East Series. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2013). Library & Information History 30.4 (November): 297-99.
2014. Review of Home and the World: Editing the “Glorious Ming” in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Yuming He (Cambridge, MA: The Harvard University Asia Center, distributed by Harvard University Press, 2013). The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 77.2 (June): 415-17.
Conference Papers
July 19-21, 2016. “Production of Geographical Knowledge and the Manchu Conquest of Central Asia in the Eighteenth Century.” International Symposium Visualizing China's Imperial Order in Eurasia (1500-1800) (The University of Alberta Museums, Edmonton, Canada)
June 16-18, 2015. “Importing Citations in Chinese Encyclopedic Historical Writing: Illustrated with Qiu Jun’s Textual Practice in His Daxue yanyi bu .” International Conference on Qiu Jun’s Daxu yanyi bu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
May 31-June 1, 2013. “Practical Uses of Historical and Classical Philosophical Texts in Ming Reading Practices.” International Conference on “Reading, Textual Production, and Literati Culture in Late Imperial China ” (Co-chaired by On-cho Ng and Hung-lam Chu. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA)
May 1-3, 2013. “Translation of Qiu Jun’s Daxue yanyi bu, Chapter 94.” Workshop on the Tradition of Chinese Statecraft: Qiu Jun’s Daxue yanyi bu (1487) (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)
April 25-27, 2012. “The Genealogy of the Ming Editions of the Full Text of Daxue yanyi bu.” Workshop on the Tradition of Chinese Statecraft: Qiu Jun’s Daxue yanyi bu (1487) (University of Washington, Seattle)
May 30-June 1, 2011. “Book Learning and Reading in Statecraft: Zhen Dexiu (1178-1235) in the Ming (1368-1644).” Workshop on Tradition, “administration du monde” et réforme: le Daxue yanyi bu de Qiu Jun (1487) et son impact dans la Chine des Ming et des Qing (Collège de France, Paris)
June 11-13, 2009. “Household Publication in the Society of Ming Hangzhou: A Statistical and Case Study Based on Bibliographical Reconstruction.” The International Colloquium of Imprimer sans profit?: Le livre non commercial dans la Chine Impériale (EFEO and INHA, Paris)
July 14-17, 2005. “The Economics of the Jiaxing Edition of the Buddhist Tripitaka.” The 13th International Conference, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
October 7-10, 2004. “Performance, Nostalgia, and Mixed Loyalties: A Case Study of Literati Spectatorship during the Ming-Qing Transition.” CASA 25th Year Anniversary Conference, Canadian Asian Studies Association (Calgary, Canada)
September 21, 2015, launched at EdX (HarvardX, HUM1.3x). “The Book: Print and Manuscript in Asia,” a conversation with Professor Ann Blair (Harvard, History) on Chinese books and printing (about 21 minutes long and taped in Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University on June 23, 2014)
Presentations and Invited Lectures
- June 12, 2014. “Cong xungu dao lixue: Zhu Xi du Lunyu ‘Xue er shi xi’ zhang” 從訓詁到理學:朱熹讀《論語》“學而時習”章 [From Philology to Philosophy: Zhu Xi’s (1130-1200) Commentary on the Annelects 1.1]. Invited public talk in Chinese sponsored by the Harvard Chinese Culture Workshop (Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University)
- February 24, 2014. “Textual Collation and Its Guiding Principles in Eighteenth-Century Evidential Scholarship: Illustrated with Lu Wenchao’s (1717 – 1796) Work.” Co-sponsored by the Humanities Center Seminar in Book History and the China Humanities Seminar, Fairbank Center (Barker Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA).
- Co-hosts: Professors Ann Blair and James Robson (Harvard University)
- Discussant: Professor Cynthia Brokaw (Brown University)
- Also presented at the AAS Conference in Philadelphia, PA on 30 March, 2014
- July-August, 2012. “Lu Wenchao’s (1717 – 1796) Collation of the Baihu tong.” Working group on the Learned Practices of Canonical Texts (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science [MPIWG], Berlin)
“Learning to Be Learned: Zhu Xi’s Theory of Reading.” Working group on the Learned Practices of Canonical Texts (MPIWG, Berlin) - April 7, 2011. “Chinese Bibliographic Tradition in a New Book History.” Invited presentation in the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)